DICE says that they have a number of fixes coming soon. Platoons, also featured in Battlefield 3, are player-run organizations that allow friends to share an emblem and coordinate their activities better.Īll these perks won't mean anything to players who can't play the game without major issues, though. Sometime in February the developers will introduce Platoons to the game. The first will be available to all players, while the second will be restricted to Premium players. Assignments Take on a number of challenges while ranking up to gain new Dog Tags, Weapons, Camo, etc.The month's festivities also include double XP weekends.Awards: Perform well in battle to earn a few awards.Field Upgrades: A new feature to strengthen soldiers and encourage Squad gameplay.Classes: Learn all about the Kit-based multiplayer mechanics.Levolution: All about BF4's dynamic map changes.Multiplayer Maps: See the ten maps in the base game of BF4.