Organic, lactose free, and kosher products are available for some food items. Infant formula based upon the infant's breastfeeding status.Fully breastfed infants receiving no formula through WIC may receive $8.00.Cash value benefit option for fresh vegetables and fruits for infants nine months up through less than twelve months of age.Infant cereal for infants six months up through less than twelve months of age.Jarred baby meats for fully breastfeeding infants six months up through less than twelve months of age.Jarred baby vegetables and fruits for infants six months up through less than twelve months of age.Canned fish for fully breastfeeding women.Women receive $11.00-$16.50 depending on breastfeeding status.Cash value benefit for fresh, frozen or canned vegetables and fruits.Whole wheat bread or other whole grain options (whole wheat tortillas, brown rice, whole wheat pasta) for children and pregnant and mostly or fully breastfeeding women.

Dry beans, canned beans or peanut butter options.Soy beverage and tofu as milk alternatives.Cheese, yogurt, evaporated milk, evaporated goat's milk, or dry milk as milk substitutions.Whole milk for children one to two years of age.Low fat (1%) or nonfat (skim) milk for women and children two years of age or older.The monthly WIC Food Package provides participants with the following: Women and Children WIC's goal is to ensure the health of participants and families by providing healthy foods and supporting breastfeeding. WIC provides foods high in nutrients (calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, and protein) that are important for mothers and young children. All Health Care Professionals & Patient Safety.Clinical Guidelines, Standards & Quality of Care.Health & Safety in the Home, Workplace & Outdoors.Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records.